Friday, February 6, 2009

PIckles Pickles Pickles

First and foremost - NO I am not in the family way - this post is about a love for delicous, mouth-watering, just can't get enough pickles - not craving pickles except for one particular kind - made by my own personal pickle chef - Yancey (Sr).
For several years my husband has been making these pickles - so adored by everyone who tries them they always ask for more. I myself had never tried them?! Not because i am not a pickle person, i just love the pickle slice you get when you get sandwiches at certain restaurants, and i love the pickles at The Pickle Barrel (a local sandwich and such eatery), but i had never tried his pickles because they were "special".
But finally this weekend i tried them - and let me tell you something: Pickles are not safe in this house! These things are incredible. I now understand why someone called me on the morning of Christmas Eve saying she couldn't find the ones I'd left her and she was upset!! It was quite comical and i really didn't understand it then, but boy do I understand it now.
In fact, today my husband is gone on a retreat and I went to pull out the jar in the fridge - but as he does with so many things, he put the lid on too tight and I couldn't get it open. I tried and tried - i ran it under water, I beat it with a spoon, a knife and a ruler but to no avail. It just wouldn't budge. So I did the only thing I knew to do: I opened a jar that we had put back for someone for Christmas. Indian Giver that I am, I guess we'll have to make a new batch so I can make it up to her.......
I only ate a few because they are made with sugar and red pepper and my bootay does not need the sugar, but YUM, they are a most fabulous lunch, afternoon snack, dessert, whatever you're in the mood for.
What was I thinking not trying these before? And why did I have to find them right when I was trying to diet, exercise and get some of this bootay off????????

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