Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Neverending Story

Does anyone remember this movie? It was a LONG time ago.

anyway, my never ending story: LAUNDRY

It seems that even when i try to "keep up" by doing one to two loads a day, it's still never emptied out around here. And since my pet peeve is putting laundry away because i get agitated at how the drawers look and it seems like i have JUST re-organized them less than a week ago. Anyway, i don't mind washing, drying or folding, the putting away is the PAIN to me. Thankfully my husband doesn't mind doing this - messy drawers don't agitate him and since he puts away a lot of it I wonder how much of the messy drawer situation comes from ....... I won't go there - i'll just be thankful he puts it away.

So, it's not even 10 AM and here's what the "To Be Filed" laundry folder looks like at my house - and this is folded and sorted by person.....

and this is what the to be washed, folded and put away pile looks like - well, one of the three anyway.....

So pray for me, as i try to prepare for a laundry-free weekend - HA HA HA

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