Tuesday, January 6, 2009


That's my word for the year - NEW. In the past our pastor asked our congregation to pray about what word God would give them for the year, and i haven't done that since that pastor moved. But this year i felt lead to pray for a word. In the past i have had words like obedience (that wasn't a fun year) and godliness (probably couldn't fail more miserably than i did that year) and every year I told my husband his was patience!!! LOL
So I didn't begin really praying about it until the week of New Year's - and it was New Year's Day before it was so clearly revealed to me. I have a precious friend who called me the day before New Year's Eve with a "proposition" to join her in a committment to Scripture Memory begun by a ministry dear to our hearts. So I agreed to sign us up and pray about what scripture God might give me for that first few weeks. The word He was leading me to was right there in the scripture He gave me - Do not remember the past events; pay no attention to things of old. Look, I am about to do something NEW, even now it is coming. Do you not see it? Indeed, I am making a way in the wilderness, rivers in the desert. Isaiah 43:18-19. (HCSB)
When i called my friend and asked her what scripture God had given her - providentially it was Isaiah 43:18-19!!!!
Then that day everything I saw or heard was about NEW - and I don't mean people were saying Happy New Year - I mean messages I heard, things i was lead to read were all about God doing something NEW and how we are NEW creations and that He makes things NEW every morning. So NEW is my word.
One of the things I want to be NEW, fresh, recommitted, renewed and refreshed with is Scripture memory. Then I decided that I should include Yancey Jr in on this little task - so each time I have a new scripture (every 1st and 15th of the month), we are going to memorize it together, quiz one another on it, and hold one another accountable for it! Do you know I gave him that Scripture yesterday as a writing assignment and by last night at dinner we were saying it for everyone together! It was so neat!! God is Good.
He is doing a NEW THING - and I don't want to miss it!!!

1 comment:

Amosann said...

I still do a word a year. This year I have still not finalized my word...It is either seek or Strength. I will let you know.