Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Good News and Bad News

Well, the bad news is I just really broke little yancey's heart by having to tell him that Aunt Carla and her two dogs are not going to get to come to town. Long story short is that the person who was going to dog-sit her other dogs is violently ill with a stomach bug and she now has their dogs to watch and no way to get to town with 8 or 9 dogs. So her vacation is canceled - she's heartbroken and now so is Yancey Jr. I am very disappointed - I was really looking forward to seeing her. Usually her visits are during a holiday season and she has to see everyone and we don't get much of her undivided attention, but this time there was no schedule so we were going to get to spend some time together. She's a teacher in Texas so she was going to help me come up with some things to do in the clasroom to help make it workable for preschoolers and a third grader. And I will honestly say I was looking forward to her and my mother in law helping distract these irritable stuck=in=the house quarantined chicken pox children. So the bad news is we won't see aunt carla.

The good news is that big Yancey said he wanted them to feel better so he's letting us go get Oscar today to spend a few days with us. It will certainly help them feel better to have "their oscar" around. But funny thing is my mom doesn't really want to give him up right now!!!! She's going out of town on Sunday and she wanted to make sure I'd give him back before then so she could see him - even stranger than me wanting to have a dog is her wanting to make sure she gets some time with him before she leaves town???!!! Go figure.

Okay, so let's end on a funny note:

Several months ago when we were up at the ARCO office for John Brady's OT they had a ton of old issues of Highlights magazines (do you remember those from when you were a kid??? they still make them!) and they let us bring some home because they had double copies of some ranging from 2004 to 2007.

Last night little Yancey was grounded from any tv or video games, etc. so while Yancey Sr and I are in our room working on TAC, he's in the den working on the picture find page of one of his Highlights magazines. Big Yancey had to walk into the kitchen for something and little Yancey says: "Hey, Dad, you know you can take some of these with you to work and when you run out of things to do you can go through these and find the Picture Find pages and work on finding stuff in the pictures - when you get bored at work". My husband got a big chuckle out of this and couldn't wait to share it with his CEO - when he gets bored...... that's like saying when I get bored here at the house full of three children (soon to be a puppy) a house to clean, laundry to do, etc.

The things they say....... so here's a picture of our Oscar who is coming to stay with us for a few days.

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