Friday, September 25, 2009


I am SO rich, so richly blessed. This week honestly has had too many high points to share, but two of the greatest were Wednesday and Thursday nights.
Our church service Wednesday night, Destiny, was destined to be the most incredible church experience I have ever had --- and that's saying a lot. We'll leave it at watching God work in and through lives in such a miraculously evident way is both humbling and encouraging -- and then just when you thought it was "over", He displayed His splendor even more. It was more than I can say....and so many people who were there can say this, too.
And then Thursday night --- it was a surprise party for a precious friend whom I've always regarded so highly, and though that changed just a little bit last night (just kidding), it was the most fun I've had out in I-don't-know-how-long!!! Pictures will surface soon -- as one of the invited guests just happened to also be a professional photographer -- I am sure my precious friend will "edit" them before posting though (you'd be amazed how much CLEAN fun can be had by some WILD Baptist women!!) :)
So, I conclude that I am RICH before I ever make it home from the party --- and then I get home and discover I am RICHER than I ever imagined.....Did you ever have a friend that you sit back years later and think :"Really, are we really HERE in our friendship?" --- friends that five years ago you barely knew that now you are so close to they enrich and bless your life in innumerable ways......
I am a women blessed to have MANY of those kinds of friends --- I don't know how and I don't know why, I just know that it's more than I could have ever dreamed or imagined life to be......Thank you precious Heavenly Father, Thank you :)

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