Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Entering the Blog world

So, a good friend of mine who recently started homeschooling her son suggested that while Yancey Jr. writes in a journal each day, he could also learn to type and start a blog! So today he started, check it out at y2k2day.blogspot.com!! Of course right now I am doing the typing.....but typing lessons will start soon enough --- is my child really going to enter the world of cyberspace, more importantly am I old enough to have a child old enough to enter cyberspace??? Goodness, where did the time go?
So God has been showing me A LOT lately about my tongue and my words, so I have asked a good friend to keep me accountable and to pray James 3 over me this week. I must admit that I am often discouraged by the middle of the day because I have stopped walking in the Spirit and have given over completely to the flesh and lost my temper. But I am determined that though the enemy may put pressure on that weak spot in my fence (thank you Beth Moore for the great analogy), I will Stand Firm and reinforce my fence every possible minute.
Okay, it's snack time, it's Arthur time, and it's time to start picking up, even if it doesn't last two and a half hours til Daddy comes home, I will have made the cleaning effort, and even with a sinus headache.....Aye, this storm front is INSANE, and it looks like there's more to come.....

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