Monday, May 19, 2008

Monday Monday.....

Wow, today started out pretty normal - well, normal for us. JB and Yancey Jr were at each other's throats for some odd reason, NC decided she had a bad tummy ache and gave evidence of such. She seems totally fine now, but I did cancel OT for this morning.

Wow, God has been good to me today - even though it didn't feel like JB and NC napped for long, I still got school done with Yancey AND had time to do something for myself (unfortunately for my husband that didnt include a shower). I sat on my couch and listened to a podcast from this incredible pastor/author. And you know how sometimes being online means one thing carries you right into another - before I knew it I was on a myspace page of someone I had made a terribly incorrect judgement of for the last five years. COMPLETELY an opposite person of what I had judged them to be. And how did I come to the conclusions I had about them? Through the presumptions voiced from someone else. Man, God has really been teaching me about finding TRUTH lately, not supposition or emotion, but TRUTH.

I abhor confrontations and sometimes I judge myself as a fence-rider because I don't want to jump in and defend/offend someone else's thoughts/feelings/opinions - but God has really taught me in the last year that listening and praying to discern the truth does not make me a fence-rider.

And what better way to search for the truth than to "Go to God's Word".

This summer a friend and myself are going to go through The Amazing Collection again and hold one another accountable for it - no quick reads this time all the way through the first 12 books of the Bible - and though we both just finished doing this, we know God will teach us new things through His Word again.

I also want to go back and review all my notes from and listen to the podcasts of P3 for Me. God has blessed me with such Godly friends, and I pray that this Fall I am able to participate in the new mentoring program starting at FW. But if not, there are already women God has put into my life that are giving me such godly wisdom on being a wife and mother - and I promise I will cherish every mess, no matter how large, and count myself COMPLETELY BLESSED to be home with these three!

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