Sunday, July 6, 2008


What is the deal with my kids getting up before 6 AM???? The last two mornings Nancy Claire has gotten up even earlier than John Brady - and last night was up WAY too late and I thought for sure she'd sleep in this morning, but NOPE she was up (and in Yancey Jr's room letting Oscar out) before 6 AM?? What is it?
Not to mention that last night we were eating dinner out on our patio and JB and NC were "swimming" in their pool instead of eating. Both of them started out fully clothed and somehow ended up in their underwear (as is the story around here when it comes to them, by the end of the day they're almost nekkked). Anyway, I looked up and gasped - Nancy Claire had no less than 15-20 new spots on her?????? John Brady just had a couple of new ones, but since he's a few days behind her I am sure I'll see some on him in the next few days.
Looks like we may be the full 4 to six weeks before we can get "around" anyone again!! And we got only four more weeks until we're supposed to have Nancy Claire's birthday party!
Just a little FYI for all of you out there who think that Yancey Sr cooks because I can't and we just "say" that he likes it and that's why he does it - I cooked a most delicious meal from scratch last night - Meatloaf (yeah, you read correctly), homemade meatloaf, a squash and tomato casserole and some yummy green beans cooked in onions with basil and garlic powder. In the words of my precious children, "You're a good cooker mommy". My husband says it's the best meatloaf ever, and I would have to agree with that one.I will be using that recipe again really soon.
okay, if I am going to even attempt a nap I better hop to it.
Pray for NO NEW SPOTS!!!

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